Pratchett Terry: Equal Rites (Discworld Novel #3)

od 260 Kč
Autor : Terry Pratchett, They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.The last thing the wizard Drum Billet did, before Death laid a bony hand on his shoulder, was to pass on his staff of power to the eighth son of an eighth son. Unfortunately for his colleagues in the chauvinistic (not to say misogynistic) world of magic, he failed to check that the baby in question was a son.…


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Název produktu: Pratchett Terry: Equal Rites (Discworld Novel #3)
Minimální cena: 260 Kč
Maximální cena: 260 Kč
Průměrné hodnocení uživatelů: 0,00 bodů z 5

Popis produktu

Autor : Terry Pratchett, They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.The last thing the wizard Drum Billet did, before Death laid a bony hand on his shoulder, was to pass on his staff of power to the eighth son of an eighth son. Unfortunately for his colleagues in the chauvinistic (not to say misogynistic) world of magic, he failed to check that the baby in question was a son. Everybody knows that there's no such thing as a female wizard. But now it's gone and happened, there's nothing much anyone can do about it. Let the battle of the sexes begin...Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Equal Rites, Jazyk : Angličtina, Počet stran : 282 Když se na Zeměploše narodí osmému synovi osmé dítě a je to také syn, dostává podle tradice do vínku kouzelnickou hůl a stane se z něho mág. Dcer se tento nepsaný zákon netýká, protože s ženami zeměplošská magie vůbec nepočítá. Kniha v anglickém jazyce. The last thing the wizard Drum Billet did, before Death laid a bony hand on his shoulder, was to pass on his staff of power to the eighth son of an eighth son. Unfortunately for his colleagues in the chauvinistic (not to say misogynistic) world of magic, he failed to check on the new-born baby s sex... A third hilarious adventure by the author of The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic.


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