Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Clinically Oriented Anatomy - Keith L. Moore

Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Sixth Edition provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy. The Sixth Edition features improved artwork and integrates radiology within the chapters. The…
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Název produktu: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Clinically Oriented Anatomy - Keith L. Moore
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Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Sixth Edition provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy. The Sixth Edition features improved artwork and integrates radiology within the chapters. The clinical Blue Boxes now have categorizations such as "Health," "Clinical Procedures", "Physical Examination" and "Development" and are indexed at the front of the book so they are easier to locate. A companion website offers the fully searchable text, interactive review questions, case studies, Surface Anatomy and Clinical Imaging Libraries, a bonus chapter on aging, and references. Online faculty resources include an Image Bank, Interactive Atlas, Test Generator, and course outlines. FEATURES: • NEW: "Online" icon within the text indicates that additional content—such as case studies, questions, and references—is available online. This will direct students to thePoint and make both students and faculty more aware of the available ancillary content. • NEW: Bonus chapter on aging will be placed on thePoint site for the book. • NEW: Categorizations for the Blue Boxes, such as "Health," "Clinical Procedures," "Physical Examination," and "Development" • NEW: Text has been streamlined by reducing redundancy and moving selected content online • NEW: Indexed lists of tables and Blue Boxes in the front matter to make these features easier to locate in the text • NEW: Medical imaging (radiology) integrated within the chapters, instead of at the back of the chapter, with additional images online • NEW: Revised design and layout to make better use of space and to best present the many features of the book • NEW: The Bottom Line (summary) feature added in COA5 has been refined to be more consistently applied and edited to provide concise key study points for students • ART PROGRAMME: Extensive full-colour artwork developed to work together with the text illustrating key concepts • BOTTOM LINE SECTIONS: Ensure that primary concepts do not become lost in the many details necessary for thorough understanding and provide a convenient means of ongoing review • CASE STUDIES AND USMLE-STYLE QUESTIONS: Delivered electronically to provide an interactive, convenient, and comprehensive means of self-testing and review to prepare for course and licensing exams • CLINICAL CORRELATIONS: The popular BLUE BOXES are supported by photographs and/or dynamic colour illustrations to help students understand the practical value of anatomy • FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY: Includes a more realistic approach to the musculoskeletal system emphasizing the action and use of muscles and muscle groups in daily activities • ILLUSTRATED TABLES: Organize complex information about veins, arteries, nerves, and other structures • INTRODUCTION CHAPTER: This thorough and unique chapter covers important systemic information and concepts basic to the understanding of the anatomy presented in the subsequent regional chapters • MEDICAL IMAGING: Each regional chapter includes various combinations of medical/diagnostic images with correlated illustrations to help prepare future professionals who need to be familiar with imaging • SURFACE ANATOMY: These sections feature colour photographs, clearly demonstrating anatomy`s relationship to physical examination and


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