Penguin Longman Publishing Penguin Readers 2 Black Beauty
od 200 Kč
PER | Level 2: Black Beauty - Anna Sewell Classic / British English (Available February 2008) Always be good, so people will love you. Always work hard and do your best.' These were the words of Black Beauty's mother to her son when the two horses lived with Farmer Grey. But when Black Beauty got older, this was sometimes very difficult for him. Not everybody was as kind as Farmer Grey. z kategorie Knihy | Učebnice | Cizí jazyky | Anglický jazyk…
219 Kč
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Název produktu:
Penguin Longman Publishing Penguin Readers 2 Black Beauty
Minimální cena:
200 Kč
Maximální cena:
219 Kč
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19 Kč
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Popis produktu
PER | Level 2: Black Beauty - Anna Sewell Classic / British English (Available February 2008) Always be good, so people will love you. Always work hard and do your best.' These were the words of Black Beauty's mother to her son when the two horses lived with Farmer Grey. But when Black Beauty got older, this was sometimes very difficult for him. Not everybody was as kind as Farmer Grey. z kategorie Knihy | Učebnice | Cizí jazyky | Anglický jazyk | Zjednodušená četba | Penguin readers | Pearson English Readers | Level 2 (600 headwords) od Pearson naleznete ne e-shopu!